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Yanal Irsheid

I am Yanal Irsheid.  I am from Jordan an a tenth-grader student at Mashrek International School. 

I want to influence a change towards shifting our economic policies from dependence to independence, from relying heavily on energy imports to a self-sustained economy.

I seek to create the change I want to see in for my country, the economy, and the people living in it. I felt it is more like a challenge for me to prove and raise awareness that Jordan CAN rely on itself by exploiting the natural resources that Jordan has, it would save huge money (as a result of oil imports), create more jobs, and, more importantly, would lead to a prosperous economy that’s self-sustained.

I have decided to create a web site where I will speak out so clearly, give my thoughts a tongue, and try my utmost efforts to create the change that Jordan deserves. I want to influence a change towards shifting our economic policies from dependence to independence, from relying heavily on energy imports to a self-sustained economy.

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