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  • Writer's pictureYanal Irsheid

What does “oil shale rock” mean?

Shale oil reserves are found in abundance in Jordan which be used in power generation (electrical energy).

I found out I have made some cool researching on Jordan’s reserves of oil shale. Numbers talk by themselves and I have showed how Jordanians and the Jordanian can benefit from these reserves if they are efficiently exploited.

But I thought I have to go back a step behind and conduct more research about the term “oil shale rock”. Well, what does “oil shale rock” mean in the first place? The results of my research were interesting.

As the term “oil shale rock” indicates it is basically a rock. In fact, not many countries around the world have enough reserves of oil shale to be exploited in oil production. Courtiers, like Jordan, that do not have traditional oil reserves under the ground and, therefore, should look for other alternatives including renewable sources, such as sun and wind, as sources of energy. Other alternatives include oil shale rock which is an organic-rich rock that contains kerogen. Kerogen is a solid mixture of organic chemical compounds. It is from kerogen which shale oil can be produced. [1]

Courtiers, like Jordan, that do not have traditional oil reserves under the ground and, therefore, should look for other alternatives including renewable sources, such as sun and wind, as sources of energy.

The energy transformations of oil shale will show us how it can ultimately be used to generate power. At first, the oil shale “rock” has a chemical energy because shale oil rock is made of many chemical molecules containing carbon and hydrogen. It is stored as a potential energy. Once burned, this chemical/potential energy, in the fuel produced, will be transformed into heat energy. Then, kinetic energy transforms the heat to electrical energy. Thus, the energy transformations of oil shale rock can ultimately be used in power generation (electrical energy). [2]

Other than generating electrical power, different kinds of shale oil fuels can be used to run cars, jets, marines, and in factories [3]. Shale oil reserves are found in abundance in Jordan and this allows Jordan to extract oil from the shale and, therefore, relying more on its natural resources and saving a tremendous amount of money.

Shale oil reserves are found in abundance in Jordan and this allows Jordan to extract oil from the shale and, therefore, relying more on its natural resources and saving a tremendous amount of money.

My next research will be conducted on how oil (i.e. Kerogen) is extracted from shale rock. It is must be fun!


[1] “Oil Shale.” Web. 18 July 2018.

[2] “Energy Transformations of Oil Shale.” Web. 18 July 2018.

[3] “Oil Shale Development.” Global Oil Shale. Web. 18 July 2018.

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